Guide feedback 29/1/2020 – Enrico Bonino Alpine Mountain Guide

Jan 29, 2020

A lot of wind and a bit of snow these days in Cogne. The actual quantity of snow is not relevant on itself but the wind packed unstable slabs allover the places above the waterfalls and on the ways down. Attention!!! DVA is recommended for few days as temperatures will keep rising next days, and tomorrow is the first good weather day.

Lillaz waterfall: L1 and L2 are deteriorating again due to high temperatures and warm wind. The amphitheatre is in good conditions for now on the right and central pitches. Left hand pitch is dangerous due to thin ice and loads of water flowing. Top pitches to exit are not safe!

Lillaz gully: today was good on the approach and on the route. BEWARE: the way down through the Loye path is full of unstable wind blown slabs!

LauBij: is good only on the firths pitch. Loye is also good.

Enrico Bonino Mountain Guide


The following pieces of information are about sharing useful and trustful infos to better program your ice climbs in the Cogne Valleys, so that you can safely enjoy this beautiful outdoor activity. Whenever possible we will be happy to provide complementary data under your requestbut we cannot act for you, and we will not be with you on the field most of the times. 

Thereforeit will be only your responsability to asess the enviromental conditions on the very moment of your climbas they  can rapidly change.  Before setting off you must be aware of your own experience, and you must make all those decisions needed keep safe throughout the day.  

None of our staff including Hotel La Barme and Residence Château Royal members can be held responsible for the following informations.